How To Come Up With A Relevant College-Level Argument Essay Topic


Argumentative essay is an important type of essay writing and is a crucial part of the development of any student whether if they’re from high-school or college level. This type of write-up serves as a training ground for the youth and prepares them for the tough challenges and complex situations that they may encounter in the future. An argumentative write-up or speech is only effective if the argument you present is valid and you can convince others that your point of view is correct after all. However, at college level choosing a topic for an argumentative essay can be a tough task because at this stage a person is not fully matured and know what is right and wrong and, therefore, doesn't have that conviction. However, if you're looking for a highly effective and relevant topic for your argument, you should follow the guidelines below.

Be Sure:

The first step you will be taking is to ensure that you are sure that you have a firm grip on the topic you will argument on. It is not necessary that the topic you like is the topic you have knowledge on. Therefore, always choose a topic that you have vast knowledge on and have ready facts and figures.


Remember in an argumentative write-up you are presenting your side of the argument and story and if you are not firm in your conviction about you point of view then how do you expect to convince others that your viewpoint is correct?

Due Diligence:

Always choose a topic which is latest and highlights the current situation and trending problems in the world. Choosing an off-dated topic won't generate any interest, and hence, it is imperative that you select a topic that is “IN” and is being talked about worldwide. In addition to that, always commit prior research and make sure it is comprehensive to cover all the areas and be ready to tackle all the counter arguments that may arise.


In the end, I would be concluding by saying that whatever topic you choose and no matter how good your content is. If you don't follow the tips mentioned above, then the chances are high that your write-up won't be effective, and you won't be able to convince your readers. So if you're looking to leave a mark on the readers and listeners do follow at least one step.

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